What is the ADSAP Program in South Carolina?

September 5, 2024

Alcohol and drug-related driving offenses are subject to a wide range of penalties in South Carolina. In addition to possible jail time and steep fines, offenders are required to complete a certified drug and alcohol program.

If you or a loved one have been arrested for a DUI, DUAC, or an implied consent violation, it is crucial to have a highly skilled DUI attorney in Rock Hill by your side. Barboza Law has years of experience helping people navigate South Carolina’s complex DUI laws. When you need a strong defense to protect your freedom and your rights, call Attorney Barboza.

Alcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (ADSAP) Overview

ADSAP classes are education and treatment classes designed for those convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) and other related charges. Court-ordered, this program allows people who have lost their license to regain their driving privileges. According to the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS), more than 9,000 people participated in the statewide substance abuse program in the last reporting year.

When a person enrolls in the program, they are assessed by trained professionals and given a treatment plan complete with goals. Treatment generally consists of the following:

  • Medical care and possible medication
  • Counseling, both group and/or individual
  • Education and life skills training
  • Relapse prevention training
  • Family education and counseling
  • Frequent drug and alcohol tests
  • Self-help groups
  • Follow-up care
  • Peer support

ADSAP-certified treatment centers offer rigorous outpatient, residential, and partial hospitalization services. The type of treatment will heavily depend on the results of the initial assessment and the circumstances of the arrest.

Are ADSAP Classes Mandatory?

According to South Carolina Law, ADSAP classes are an integral part of alcohol and drug-related offenses. The program is mandatory under the following circumstances:

An arrest for driving under the influence or driving with an unlawful alcohol concentration will result in an automatic license suspension. However, offenders have 30 days from the notice of suspension to request a hearing and contest.

A DUI lawyer in Rock Hill can help you prepare for your administrative hearing and fight for your driving privileges. If successful, your suspension will be lifted, and you can have your driver’s license reinstated. If you win your administrative hearing but are later convicted of a DUI/DUAC, you will have 30 days to enroll in ADSAP from the date of your conviction.

How Long Are ADSAP Classes?

ADSAP classes do not have a set end date. Instead, treatment programs are tailored to the needs of each individual. Some people may finish the program before the end of their driver’s license suspension, while others may take closer to a year.

ADSAP Treatment Centers in South Carolina

Treatment centers must be certified by DAODAS. You can find local treatment providers on their website. Listed below are a few locally certified ADSAP treatment centers in Lancaster and the surrounding counties.

How Can a Rock Hill DUI Lawyer Help My Case?

The fight to retain your driving rights starts immediately after your arrest. Barboza Law has a long history of successfully defending DUI/DUAC charges. We employ a wide range of defensive strategies. Depending on the circumstances, your Rock Hill DUI attorney may be able to reduce your charges or have them dismissed due to an unlawful arrest.

Schedule your consultation today. Call (803) 973-6003 to discuss the details of your case and how our criminal defense team can help.